Scrivener Superpowers

How to Use Cutting-Edge Software to Energize Your Creative Writing Practice

Writing Romance Novels and Staying Organized: Interview with Gwen Hernandez

Gwen calls herself a left-brained planner, but the habits she learned as a programmer and analyst don’t necessarily translate to her fiction writing. In this interview, Gwen tells me about the four-part system she follows to writer her romance novels, and how, apart from that high-level structure, she likes to fly by the seat of her pants, […]

What’s in a Filmmaker’s Writing Toolkit? Interview with Garrett Robinson

Garett Robinson, author interview picture

Garrrett Robinson is a novelist, screenwriter, and filmmaker. He recently joined the team at Sterling & Stone full-time to become Legendary—the name of the new imprint Garrett leads. This depth of experience gives Garrett a unique perspective on Scrivener. As a screenwriter and filmmaker, Scrivener plays a key role in his process, but he uses many other tools […]

How a Professional Ghostwriter Uses Scrivener: Interview with Joe Bunting

Joe Bunting told me once that his first book took 500 hours to write. His second book, however, took significantly less time, and he cites Scrivener as the differentiating factor that saved him hundreds of hours of effort. In this interview, Joe and I talk about how excited he was to try Scrivener for the first […]

Google Docs vs. Scrivener for Writers: Interview with Simon Whistler

Simon Whistler author interview start frame

Simon Whistler came to writing through audiobook narration and his podcast, Rocking Self Publishing. That was also how he first discovered Scrivener—authors interviewed on his show mentioned often enough that Simon eventually decided to see what made Scrivener such a great tool, and why it had become the writing software of choice for so many self-publishers. When Simon began […]

Microsoft Word vs Scrivener: Interview with Joanna Penn

Joanna Penn Scrivener interview start frame

Joanna Penn is a big advocate for Scrivener, and her insights and enthusiasm about the writing process are inspiring. Not only does she use Scrivener on a daily basis for her fiction and nonfiction writing, but she relies on it to format her books as well. In this video interview, Joanna shares her unique writing process and […]

The Origin Story of Scrivener Superpowers

Recently, Hank Garner interviewed me for Episode 84 of the Author Stories Podcast. In the interview, Hank and I discuss: What made me want to become a writer, and when I came to that realization My writing and editing process Indie Publishing Austin, the local group of authors I started And the Scrivener Superpowers book, of course. You […]