Scrivener Superpowers

How to Use Cutting-Edge Software to Energize Your Creative Writing Practice

The 2k to 10k Method with Scrivener: Interview with Rachel Aaron

Rachel Aaron calls 2k to 10k her “little book that could.” It started as a blog post and grew into a nonfiction book and has been selling well and helping writers amplify their word count ever since. What’s fascinating is that in between publishing the blog post and publishing the book it grew into, Rachel found Scrivener, […]

Writing Romance Novels and Staying Organized: Interview with Gwen Hernandez

Gwen calls herself a left-brained planner, but the habits she learned as a programmer and analyst don’t necessarily translate to her fiction writing. In this interview, Gwen tells me about the four-part system she follows to writer her romance novels, and how, apart from that high-level structure, she likes to fly by the seat of her pants, […]